Confederate Coloring And Learning Book
Call For Price (540) 427-1154 |
Though designed for children, adults will appreciate the artwork and ideas!
A great author and a great artist have teamed up to create a truly unique gift.
Children of all ages enjoy coloring and children of all ages will enjoy learning
the true history of our Southland. The heroes of our Confederacy spring from the
Rebel artist's pen. On the page opposite, in simplified text, the author gives
the artwork almost spiritual life. By the time your child finishes coloring Generals
Lee, Jackson or President Davis, he will know of the outstanding deeds and characters
of the founders of our Southern Nation. The child will learn that the motives of
Southern heroes were pure, their deeds exemplary, and their faith in a living God
unshakable. Measuring the full 8.5" X 11" there are many hours of fun and much
learning packed within the forty-two pages of this very different coloring book.
When ordering don't forgeth the many, many children you can touch through this book.
Church nurseries, pre-school, schools and home schools will welcome the donation of
this great fun and learning book! Remember, the more you order the less they cost.
Soft-back without number, but autographed upon request!
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